姓名 | 周裕 | 职称 | 副研究员 |
邮箱: | zhouyu@hainnu.edu.cn | ||
教育背景: 博士毕业于英国纽卡斯尔大学电气、电子与计算机工程学院。(School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). | |||
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研究领域: 1. 异步超大规模集成电路/系统设计方法 | |||
研究课题: 1. 针对侧信道攻击防护的安全芯片设计方法研究 2. 脉冲神经网络的软硬件协同设计与系统实现 3. 加解密算法的FPGA硬件设计与实现 | |||
学术成果/奖励与荣誉简介: 1. Investigation of asynchronous pipeline circuits based on bundled-data encoding: Implementation styles, behavioral modeling, and timing analysis. Yu Zhou, Tsinghua Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 559-580, June 2022, doi: 10.26599/TST.2021.9010089. 2. Wind Power Interval Prediction Based on Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm and Fast Learning Network. Dewang Zhang; Zhigeng Chen; Yu Zhou, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2022. 3. Explicit Symplectic-Precise Iteration Algorithms for Linear Quadratic Regulator and Matrix Differential Riccati Equation. Zhang, Hong-Yan; Luo, Jia-Zhen; Zhou, Yu. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 105424-105438. 4. A Buck Converter for 5G NR RF-PA with 400ns Rise- and Fall-Time and Spread Spectrum Switching. Jiawen Hu; Yu Zhou,2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 5. Minterm based synthesis and optimization of asynchronous dual-rail encoded functional modules. Yu Zhou et.al. IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Devices and Systems, 2017. 6. Towards Power Elastic Systems through Concurrency Management. Fei Xia; Andrey Mokhov; Yu Zhou; Yuan Chen; I. Mitrani; D. Shang; D. Sokolov; Alex Yakovlev, IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 2012, 6(1): 33-42. 7. Run-time Concurrency Tuning for Peak Power Modulation in Energy Harvesting Systems. Yu Zhou; Terrence Mak; Alex Yakovlev, International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2011. 8. Principles, structures, and implementation of reconfigurable ternary optical processors. Jin Yi; Wang hongjian; Ouyang shan; Zhou Yu; Shen Yunfu; Peng Junjie; Liu Xuemin, Science China, Information sciences, 2011, 54(11): 2236-2246. 9. Cost-aware synthesis of asynchronous circuits based on partial acknowledgement. Yu Zhou; Danil Sokolov; Alex Yakovlev. International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 2006. 10. 台达电子集团上海暨杭州设计中心2013年度最佳设计奖。 |